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Solution Dyed Nylon Carpet Tile

Solution Dyed Nylon (SDN) carpet is ideal for any area in your home or office space, due to the synthetic carpets’ exceptional quality.
This type of carpet is hard wearing and has a luxurious feel to it. It has flexible fibers which are highly stain resistant, soil resistant and has the ability to maintain its colour when placed in areas of direct sunlight. One of the key fibers utilised in carpet manufacturing currently.
Solution-dyed nylon carpet is a pre-dyeing process, prior to the yarn being produced, the fibre is dyed with molten nylon polymer allowing the colour to permanently stay in the fiber. This also allows the use of cleaning products with tough chemicals without losing any colour in your carpet. Solution Dyed Nylon carpets are the ideal choice for families with young children or pets due to its high durability and stain resistant properties.


Resistant to fading or colour bleeding

Stain resistant

Highly Durable

Easy cleaning with harsh products


Reduced colour selection

Longer manufacture period

Low soil resistance may occur

Higher cost

Maintaining Guide For Your Solution Dyed Carpets

At Floors To You, we understand that accurately looking after your carpet can be a challenge. However, there is no need to worry as our experts are here to provide our expert advice to ensure longevity for your carpet.

We recommend vacuuming your SDN twice a week minimum to maintain the integrity of your carpet. In the occurrence that you do spill something on your carpet make sure you attend to it as soon as possible, if not, stains may become visible and can be painful to remove. It is important to note that your carpet will need stronger upkeep twice a year, which is completed by a deep steam cleaning.

In Case of Spills

Did you happen to spill something on your SDN carpet? Using a recommended cleaning product is the best option to recover any spills, and don’t forget SDN carpets can handle harsher cleaning products. Don’t rub the stain!

SHANGHAI JUDONG TILE CARPET CO.,LTD is the professional carpet supplier in China, contact us today for more information. We are more than happy to assist you.

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